Table of Content
Georg Heinig.- Georg Heinig (1947—2005) In Memoriam.- Georg Heinig November 24, 1947 – May 10, 2005 A Personal Memoir and Appreciation.- to Bezoutians.- On Matrices that are not Similar to a Toeplitz Matrix and a Family of Polynomials Tewodros Amdeberhan and Georg Heinig.- Research Contributions.- A Traub-like Algorithm for Hessenbergquasiseparable- Vandermonde Matrices of Arbitrary Order.- A Fast Algorithm for Approximate Polynomial GCD Based on Structured Matrix Computations.- On Inertia of Some Structured Hermitian Matrices.- Variable-coefficient Toeplitz Matrices with Symbols beyond the Wiener Algebra.- A Priori Estimates on the Structured Conditioning of Cauchy and Vandermonde Matrices.- Factorizations of Totally Negative Matrices.- QR-factorization of Displacement Structured Matrices Using a Rank Structured Matrix Approach.- Bezoutians Applied to Least Squares Approximation of Rational Functions.- On the Weyl Matrix Balls Corresponding to the Matricial Carathéodory Problem in Both Nondegenerate and Degenerate Cases.- On Extremal Problems of Interpolation Theory with Unique Solution.- O(n) Algorithms for Banded Plus Semiseparable Matrices.- Unified Nearly Optimal Algorithms for Structured Integer Matrices.- V-cycle Optimal Convergence for DCT-III Matrices.- The Ratio Between the Toeplitz and the Unstructured Condition Number.- A New Algorithm for Finding Positive Eigenvectors for a Class of Nonlinear Operators Associated with M-matrices.- Hankel Minors and Pade Approximations.