‘Ephesians: A Guide to Living in Christ’ unlocks the timeless wisdom of Paul’s letter, offering guidance for a Christ-centered life.
Unlike Paul’s letters to the Galatians or the Corinthians, the letter to the Ephesians contains almost no clues about the situation and issues its recipients faced. Nevertheless, the letter vividly depicts how God’s will revealed in Christ reorients believers’ lives toward unity, mutual respect, submission and love – in short, new life in Christ, relying on his power and strength.
Darrell Bock shows how this precious jewel of a letter combines gospel doctrine, enablement and exhortation to life.
About the author
Executive Director of Cultural Engagement and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. Author of numerous books including Jesus According to Scripture, Who is Jesus?, A Theology of Luke and Acts and commentaries on Luke and Acts (both BECNT).