In Scriptural Interpretation, Sarisky brilliantly draws
together Patristic Theology and a theological interpretation of
Scripture in the modern day, to examine Scripture’s central
place in the life of the Church and ordinary believers.
* Examines the importance of scriptural interpretation in the
life of Christians and of the church
* Draws together two lively discussions: a study of the theology
of the Cappadocian fathers, and a discussion of theological
interpretation of Scripture in the twentieth and twenty-first
* Covers an impressive historical range, from Basil of Caesarea
right up to the work of the major contemporary thinkers, Stanley
Hauerwas and Rowan Williams
* Offers a sophisticated understanding of many Patristic thinkers
– an area of huge current interest in the field – and
challenges accepted readings of the theology of Basil of
Table of Content
Preface and Acknowledgments ix
Editions and Translations xii
Abbreviations xv
Introduction 1
Part I: Basil of Caesarea 6
Part II: Contemporary and Constructive Theology 27
Summary of the Argument 33
Part I Basil of Caesarea 35
1 The Reader – A Little Lower than the Angels
Angels: Perfect upon Creation 38
Humanity: Perfected over Time 42
2 The Text – Scriptural Paideia 71
Anthropological Context 72
Revelation 74
Theological Account of Scripture 77
The Utility of Scripture 85
3 Reading – Eschatological Interpretation 90
Theological Analysis of Reading 92
The End of Reading 104
4 Ecclesial Setting – Exegesis and Ecclesial Dogma
A Concise History of Reception for De Spiritu Sancto 27 113
Background to De Spiritu Sancto: The Notion of Craft 114
A Reading of De Spiritu Sancto 27 117
Conclusion to Part I: Basil’s Theological Account of
Scriptural Interpretation 129
Part II Contemporary and Constructive Theology 133
Introduction to Part II: The Contemporary Debate 135
5 The Reader – Restoring a Sense of the End 140
The Critique of Modernity 141
Narrative and Human Nature 145
6 The Text – Scripture in the Flow of Time 159
Revelation and Generativity 161
A Text in Time 162
7 Reading – Interpretation and the Time of Learning
Reading as Shaped by Models of Scripture 174
The Contour of the Time of Learning 176
8 Ecclesial Setting – Practices Performed in Community
The Ecclesial Framework 187
Interpretation Situated in a Web of Practices 189
9 A Constructive Account of Scriptural Interpretation
Reader 205
Text 212
Reading 217
Ecclesial Setting 224
Conclusion 234
Bibliography 245
Index 265
About the author
Darren Sarisky is a Junior Research Fellow at Homerton
College, University of Cambridge. He previously served as a
Teaching Associate in Doctrine at the University of Cambridge
Divinity Faculty. Dr Sarisky’s primary area of research
is the nature and interpretation of Christian Scripture.