Newschaser: The Rhetoric of Trump in Essays and Commentaries, compiled by one of the leading political science theorists in the contemporary academy, brings to light some of the most telling aspects of the Trump phenomenon. In 21 chapters, this volume covers the entire spectrum of the Trump rhetorical campaign, pointing out the various ways the candidate rose to the top of a very large field of professional and experienced politicians. Trump defied the routines and the accepted principles of discourse to claim the mantle of being a transformative political figure. Newschaser is a collaboration that opens the door to succession planning in scholarship from one generation to the next and the application of Afrocentric ideology or African-centered thought as an underlying thematic framework.
About the author
Daryl B. Harris is an associate professor and former chair of political science at Howard University. He was the recipient of a 2014-2015 Fulbright Distinguished Research Award. The scholarly focus of his teaching and research is the philosophical underpinnings of Black political phenomena. His work combines methods of Africological and political analyses with the goal of advancing Afrocentric understandings of the world. Harris has taught Black Politics and political theory courses, first at the University of Connecticut and then at Howard University, his current institutional affiliation since 2003.