This is not your typical business book. You won’t find academic
remedies to your business challenges or exhortations to create a
warmer and fuzzier workplace. In fact, you’ll find the
opposite-tips on how to be a tougher, take-no-prisoners-style
manager. It’s time to stop letting workplace political correctness
push you around and get serious about your business.
In If You Don’t Make Waves, You’ll Drown, Dave Anderson
doesn’t pull any punches. Offering simple wisdom and politically
incorrect solutions that really work, he’s not here to inspire you,
but to taunt you into action. He shows you how to be more direct
without being disrespectful; how to give honest feedback even when
it hurts; and how to hold employees accountable for results. In
short, you’ll learn how to get the most out of your business.
Want more politically incorrect wisdom?
* Tenure is a license for laziness
* Diversity without competence is worthless
* Don’t trade your values for valuables
* Political correctness is a disease that destroys the
* It’s time to fight back!
Table of Content
Author’s Note.
1. Don’t Be a Wimp!
2. Eliminate Entitlements: Send the Moochers Packing!
3. Don’t Confuse the Scoreboard for the Game!
4. Sometimes You Have to Tick People Off!
5. Learn to Read between the Lies!
6. Ditch Diversity and Go for Results!
7. Don’t Just Win . . . Run Up the Score!
8. Spare the Rod, Spoil the Sluggard!
9. Don’t Make People Happy. . . .Make Them Better!
10. Don’t Trade Your Values for Valuables!
About the Author.
About the author
DAVE ANDERSON is President of Dave Anderson’s Learn to Lead, and Learnto®, a cutting-edge Web site that provides free training resources to people in more than thirty countries. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and is a featured speaker at conventions worldwide. He is also the author of Up Your Business!, from Wiley.