Author: David Benyon

David Benyon is Professor of Human-Computer Systems and head of the Center for interaction Design at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, UK. He obtained an MSc in Computing and Cognition and completed his Ph.D. in 1993 on the subject of Intelligent User Interfaces. Prof. Benyon has written or edited 11 books on Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design and published over 150 academic papers including 30 journal papers. Over the last 7 years he has obtained significant funding to support his research including six major EC grants. Prof. Benyon is a member of several professional societies and is on the editorial board for the journals Knowledge-Based Systems and International Journal of People-Oriented Programming. He has authored a major textbook in the area entitled Designing Interactive Systems (the 3rd edition was published in 2013). One of the key books published by Prof. Benyon is Designing with Blends (with Manuel Imaz, MIT Press, 2007) which has helped to introduce conceptual blending to the interaction design community.

10 Ebooks by David Benyon

Tom McEwan & Jan Gulliksen: People and Computers XIX – The Bigger Picture
As a new medium for questionnaire delivery, the Internet has the potential to revolutionize the survey process. Online (Web-based) questionnaires provide several advantages over traditional survey me …
Frans van Assche & David Benyon: Domain Knowledge for Interactive System Design
This book describes how domain knowledge can be used in the design of interactive systems. It includes discussion of the theories and models of domain, generic domain architectures and construction o …
David Benyon: Designing User Experience
The full text downloaded to your computer With e Books you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends e Books are downloaded …
David Benyon: Designing User Experience
Designing User Experience presents a comprehensive introduction to the practical issue of creating interactive systems, services and products from a human-centred perspective. It develops the princip …
David Benyon & Kristina Hook: Designing Information Spaces: The Social Navigation Approach
That’s a look at an array of social proxies. The purpose was to make it clear that the concept of social proxy is quite general. Social proxies can be designed to support a wide range of on-line inte …
Diana Bental & David Benyon: Conceptual Modeling for User Interface Development
Conceptual Modeling for User Interface Development introduces the technique of Entity-Relationship-Modeling and shows how the technique can be applied to interface issues. It explains those aspects o …
David Benyon & Kristina Hook: Social Navigation of Information Space
Social navigation is a vibrant new field which examines how we navigate information spaces in "real" and "virtual" environments, how we orient and guide ourselves, and how we inte …
David Benyon & Philippe Palanque: Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering
This book developed from an IFIP workshop which brought together methods and architecture researchers in Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineering. To an extent this introduction is a littl …
David Benyon & Alistair G. Sutcliffe: Domain Modelling for Interactive Systems Design
Domain Modelling for Interactive Systems Design brings together in one place important contributions and up-to-date research results in this fast moving area. Domain Modelling for Interactive Systems …