A lighthearted comedy about the way a spiritual teacher tries to empower his followers, but they invest him with all the power.
“…brilliant, wise, moving, and funny. Like, really funny. … Spiritual writing like this is rare. “ Shozen Jack Haubner, author of Zen Confidential
Henry “Hank” Wilder, a divorced loner, is unsuccessfully trying to establish a new Zen center when he accidentally cures an ex-girlfriend’s recurring cancer with his touch and discovers—at least this is what people keep telling him—that he has healing powers.
Suddenly the empty zendo is overcrowded with Zen students who also want to be touched and healed by Hank. At first he resists, but when he cures a local Mexican boy of a bad limp, his reputation takes off. A TV story on Hank’s healings goes viral. The Latino community shows up, bearing food and icons of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Hank befriends a Catholic priest and falls in love again. When his life gets totally out of hand, he escapes to Mexico on a spiritual odyssey and finds out who he really is.
About the author
Pittsburgh native David Guy is the author of five previous novels, including The Autobiography of My Body and Jake Fades. He has published articles in a variety of publications, and one non-fiction book, The Red Thread of Passion: Spirituality and the Paradox of Sex. He wrote two books with his meditation teacher Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath and Living in the Light of Death. He taught for years at his alma mater, Duke University, and now divides his time between his two favorite North Carolina cities, Durham and Asheville. www.davidguy.org.