Author: David Ibbetson

Dr. J. Harry Dondorp lehrt seit 1979 als Dozent an der Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Niederlande. Er forscht zur Europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte und zum mittelalterlichen kanonischen Recht.

7 Ebooks by David Ibbetson

Matthew (University of Cambridge) Dyson & David (University of Cambridge) Ibbetson: Law and Legal Process
This collection of papers from the Twentieth British Legal History Conference explores the relationship between substantive law and the way in which it actually worked. Instead of looking at what the …
Harry Dondorp & Martin Schermaier: De rebus divinis et humanis
Im April 2019 wird Jan Hallebeek emeritiert. Damit endet seine aktive Laufbahn als von der Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (1989–1999) finanzierter Forscher, als Extraordinarius an der …
Caroline (University of St Andrews, Scotland) Humfress & David (University of Cambridge) Ibbetson: Cambridge Comparative History of Ancient Law
The Cambridge Comparative History of Ancient Law is the first of its kind in the field of comparative ancient legal history. Written collaboratively by a dedicated team of international experts, each …