Zhu Xi (1130–1200), the chief architect of neo-Confucian thought, affected a momentous transformation in Chinese philosophy. His ideas came to dominate Chinese intellectual life, including the educational and civil service systems, for centuries. Despite his influence, Zhu Xi is known as the ‘great synthesizer’ and rarely appreciated as a thinker in his own right. This volume presents Zhu Xi as a major world philosopher, one who brings metaphysics and cosmology into attunement with ethical and social practice. Contributors from the English- and Chinese-speaking worlds explore Zhu Xi’s unique thought and offer it to the Western philosophical imagination. Zhu Xi’s vision is critical, intellectually rigorous, and religious, telling us how to live in the transforming world of
li—the emergent, immanent, and coherent patternings of natural and human milieu.
Table of Content
Editor’s Introduction: The Day after Tomorrow–Zhu Xi’s Posthumous Birth
David Jones
Roger T. Ames
Part I. Interpreting with Zhu Xi
1. Zhu Xi’s Metaphysics
Zhang Liwen
Andrew Lambert, translator
2. On Translating Taiji
Joseph A. Adler
3. Zhu Xi’s Confucian Thoughts on the Collected Commentaries of the Zhongyong Chen Lai
Chen Kuan Hung and Eric Hanson, translators
4. Zhu Xi on Scientific and Occult Subjects: Defining and Extending the Boundaries of Confucian Learning
Yung Sik Kim
Part II. Thinking through Zhu
5. Opposition and Complementarity in Zhu Xi’s Thought
Kirill O. Thompson
6. On the Formation of Zhu Xi’s Spiritual World
Liu Shu-Hsien
7. Li as Emergent Patterns of Qi: A Nonreductive Interpretation
Eiho Baba
Part III. Applying Zhu
8. Boston Daoxue: A Modern Transposition of Zhu Xi’s Philosophical Vision
John Berthrong
9. Zhu Xi’s Virtue Ethics and the Grotian Challenge
Stephen C. Angle
10. How to Unite Is and Ought: An Explanation Regarding the Work of Master Zhu
Meng Peiyuan
Eric Colwell and Jinli He, translators
11. On Anger: An Essay on Confucian Moral Psychology
Kwong-loi Shun
12. Spiritual and Bodily Exercise: The Religious Significance of Zhu Xi’s Reading Methods
Peng Guoxiang
Daniel Coyle and Yahui Anita Huang, translators
About the author
David Jones is Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University and Professor of Philosophy at Kennesaw State University. His many books include
Asian Texts — Asian Contexts: Encounters with Asian Philosophies and Religions (coedited with E. R. Klein), also published by SUNY Press.
Jinli He is Assistant Professor of Chinese at Trinity University.