The first single-project GIS textbook on the market, Understanding GIS: An Arc GIS Pro Project Workbook, third edition is an excellent resource for students and educators seeking a guide for an advanced, single-project-based course that incorporates GIS across a wide range of disciplines. It allows readers to progress through nine lessons using Arc GIS Pro software from Esri to find the best location for a new park along the Los Angeles River in Southern California. Each exercise offers step-by-step instructions, graphics to confirm exercise results, and explanations of key concepts. The book includes access to Arc GIS Desktop software, which includes Arc GIS Pro. Project data (real data, all of it updated) is downloadable from the book’s resource web page.
Note: This e-book requires Arc GIS software. You can download the Arc GIS Trial at, contact your school or business Esri Site License Administrator, or purchase a student or individual license through the Esri Store.
Table of Content
Lesson 1: Frame the problem and explore the study area
Lesson 2: Preview data
Lesson 3: Choose the data
Lesson 4: Build the database
Lesson 5: Edit data
Lesson 6: Conduct the analysis
Lesson 7: Automate the analysis
Lesson 8: Present analysis results
Lesson 9: Share results
Appendix A: Analysis issues
Appendix B: Data credits and data license agreement
About the author
Thomas Balstrøm is an associate professor in geoinformatics at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He has MSc and Ph D degrees in physical geography focusing on GIS and land evaluations. Currently, his research is on storm water screening of urban and rural areas