Andrea Faggion is an adjunct professor in the Department of Philosophy at the State University of Londrina, Brazil, and permanent member of the master“s program in philosophy at the State University of Maringa. Her research currently focuses on the contributions that the Kantian philosophy brings to the contemporary debate on the legal philosophy and political problems.
Nuria Sánchez Madrid is Associated Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. She is a member of the CFUL (Lisbon) and of the IREPH of the University of Paris-Ouest, France. Her previous publications include A civilizaçâo como destino: Kant e as formas da civilizaçâo, (2016) and an edited volume with Larry Krasnoff and Paula Satne, Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the Twenty First Century, forthcoming.
Alessandro Pinzani is currently a professor at the UFSC, Brazil. He was a lecturer at the University of Tübingen and a guest professor at the universities of Dresden and Bochum, Germany. His research places emphasis on political philosophy, particularly democracy, Machiavelli, Kant, Habermas, justice theories and republicanism. His previous publications include Jürgen Habermas (2007) and An den Wurzeln moderner Demokratie (2009).
12 Ebooks von Alessandro Pinzani
Alessandro Pinzani & Walquiria Leão Rego: Money, Autonomy and Citizenship
This book analyzes the impacts on peoples’ lives of the largest antipoverty social program in the world: the Brazilian Bolsa Família Program. Created by the government of former Brazilian p …
Andrea Faggion & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and Social Policies
This book discusses the potential for Kant’s political and juridical philosophy to shed light on current social challenges and policy. By considering Kant as a contemporary and not above moral respon …
Alessandro Pinzani: An den Wurzeln moderner Demokratie
In Alessandro Pinzanis Arbeit wird das Denken der Philosophen Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau und Kant als Basis genommen, um die Reflexion über die Beziehung von Individuum und Staat neu zu beleben. N …
Walquiria Leao Rego & Alessandro Pinzani: Autonomie, Geld und Bürgerschaft
Zur Bekämpfung von extremer Armut führte Brasiliens Regierung unter Präsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 2003 eine Sozialhilfe unter dem Titel »Bolsa Familia« ein. Alessandro Pinzani und Walquiria Lea …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Politics
This book examines the significance of Kant’s political philosophy in the context of contemporary philosophical and political debates. In the last few decades, Kantian specialists have increasingly m …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Politics
This book examines the significance of Kant’s political philosophy in the context of contemporary philosophical and political debates. In the last few decades, Kantian specialists have increasingly m …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Morality
This book examines the significance of Kant’s moral philosophy in contemporary philosophical debates. It argues that Kant’s philosophy can still serve as a guide to navigate the turbulence of a globa …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Morality
This book examines the significance of Kant’s moral philosophy in contemporary philosophical debates. It argues that Kant’s philosophy can still serve as a guide to navigate the turbulence of a globa …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Knowledge
This book examines Kant’s contributions to the theory of knowledge and studies how his writings can be applied to address contemporary epistemological issues. The volume delves into the Kantian ideas …
Luigi Caranti & Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and the Problem of Knowledge
This book examines Kant’s contributions to the theory of knowledge and studies how his writings can be applied to address contemporary epistemological issues. The volume delves into the Kantian ideas …
Walquiria Leão Rego & Alessandro Pinzani: Vozes do Bolsa Família – 2ª edição revista e ampliada
O Bolsa Família completa 10 anos em 2013, alcançando perto de 50 milhões de pessoas, o que o torna o maior programa de combate à pobreza do mundo. Mas, quais seriam seus impactos na vida de seus bene …
Nuria Sanchez Madrid & Laura Quintana: Neoliberal Techniques of Social Suffering
Neoliberal Techniques of Social Suffering: Political Resistance and Critical Theory from Latin America and Spain is the result of the critical and political commitment of various Latin American and S …