It is a widespread idea that the roots of the Christian sermon can be found in the Jewish derasha. But the story of the interrelation of the two homiletical traditions, Jewish and Christian, from New Testament times to the present day is still untold. Can homiletical encounters be registered? Is there a common homiletical history – not only in the modern era, but also in rabbinic times and in the Middle Ages? Which current developments affect Jewish and Christian preaching today, in the 21st century? And, most important, what consequences may result from this mutual perception of Jewish and Christian homiletics for homiletical research and the practice of preaching?
This book offers the papers of the first international conference (Bamberg, Germany, 6th to 8th March 2007) which brought together Jewish and Christian scholars to discuss Jewish and Christian homiletics in their historical development and relationship and to sketch out common homiletical projects.
Cardinal Walter Kasper: Preface; A. Deeg / W. Homolka / H.-G. Schöttler: Introduction; G. Stemberger: The Derasha in Rabbinic Times; A. Kosman: Response; F. Siegert: The Derasha as an Invention of Hellenistic Judaism; G. Stemberger: Response; A. v. Stockhausen: Christian Perception of Jewish Preaching in Early Christianity; R. S. Sarason: Response; M. Saperstein: Jewish Preaching in the Middle Ages and the Impact of Christian Homiletics; R. S. Sarason: Response; Ch. Wiese: Jewish Sermons in 19th Century Germany and USA – and how they relate to Christianity and Christian Preaching; K. Herrmann: Jewish Confirmation Sermons in 19th Century Germany; Y. Amir: Franz Rosenzweig’s Approach to Jewish Preaching; A. Deeg: Response; W. Homolka: Leo Baeck as Preacher and as an Example of the New Homiletical Perspectives in Early 20th Century German Judaism; H.-G. Schöttler: Preaching the Hebrew Bible – a Christian Perspective; Y. Amir: Response; R. S. Sarason:“Your Voice is the Voice of Jacob”. Contemporary Developments in US-American Jewish Preaching, Homiletics, and Homiletical Education; M. Nicol: Response; A. Deeg /M. Nicol: Jewish Hermeneutics and Christian Preaching. Towards a Scriptural Homiletical Hermeneutic and an Accordant Preaching-Style; U. Pohl-Patalong: Reading the Bible with the Congregation. Bibliolog
Über den Autor
Alexander Deeg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; Walter Homolka, Abraham Geiger College, Potsdam, and Leo Baeck Foundation, Germany; Heinz-Günther Schöttler, University of Bamberg, University of Regensburg, and Abraham Geiger College, Potsdam, Germany.