Dr. Alexander von Lünen is a Geography Research Fellow at the University of Portmouth, Hampsire, UK. His principle research interests are digital humanities / historical informatics, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and history, history of diving, history of aerospace medicine and physiology.
Dr. Charles Travis was awarded a Ph D in Historical-Cultural Geography from Trinity College Dublin in 2006. He is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Trinity Long Room Hub. His research concerns the historical, cultural and environmental geographies of early twentieth century Ireland; the development of Humanities GIS methodologies and applications, as well as media geographies.
1 Ebooks von Alexander Lünen
Alexander Lünen & Charles Travis: History and GIS
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) – either as “standard” GIS or custom made Historical GIS (HGIS) – have become quite popular in some historical sub-disciplines, such as Economic and Social Hist …