Prof. J A Hobkirk, Dr Med HC, Ph D, BDS, FDSRCS Edin, FDSRCS
Eng, CSci, MIPEM. Emeritus Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry,
University College London. Honorary Consultant in Restorative
Mr D Gill, BSc, BDS, MSc, MOrth, FDSRCS Eng, FDS (Orth)
RCS Eng. Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary Clinical
Miss J R Goodman, BDS, FDSRCS Edin, FDSRCS Eng, FRCPH,
FHKCDS. Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry and Honorary Senior
Mr S P Jones, MSc, BDS, LDS RCS Eng, FDS RCS Edin, FDS
RCPS Glasg, FDSRCS Eng, MOrth RCS Eng, DOrth RCS Eng. Consultant
Orthodontist and Honorary Senior Lecturer.
Mr K W Hemmings, BDS, DRD RCS Edin, MRD RCS Edin, FDS RCS
Eng. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Senior
Mr G S Bassi, M Dent Sc, BDS, LDSRCS Eng, FDS (Rest Dent)
RCPS Glasg, FDSRCS Edin. Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and
Honorary Clinical Teacher.
2 Ebooks von Amanda L. O. Donnell
John A. Hobkirk & Daljit S. Gill: Hypodontia
Hypodontia: A Team Approach to Management provides specialist clinicians with a practical reference to the multidisciplinary management of patients with this condition. The book synthesises current i …
John A. Hobkirk & Daljit S. Gill: Hypodontia
Hypodontia: A Team Approach to Management provides specialist clinicians with a practical reference to the multidisciplinary management of patients with this condition. The book synthesises current i …