Amândio Reis is a Research Fellow and member of the Centre for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is the editor-in-chief of
Compendium: Journal of Comparative Studies. He has taught comparative literature, Romantic poetry and painting, and contemporary and late nineteenth-century short fiction. His work is mostly focused on narrative theory, comparative literature, and interarts studies, with a special focus on the late nineteenth century and transatlantic modernisms.
3 Ebooks von Amandio Reis
Isabel Fernandes & Cecilia Beecher Martins: Creative Dialogues
This volume is the outcome of work done in the groundbreaking field of Narrative Medicine by an interdisciplinary research team based at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) a …
Amândio Reis: Short Stories, Knowledge and the Supernatural
This book proposes a comparative approach to the supernatural short stories of Machado de Assis, Henry James and Guy de Maupassant. It offers an alternative to predominantly novel-centric and Anglo-c …
Abel Barros Baptista & Amândio Reis: Esse Aires
Este volume do selo Peixe-elétrico Ensaios é todo dedicado ao romance Memorial de Aires, de Machado de Assis. São ao todo sete ensaios, mais o posfácio assinado por Hélio de Seixas Guimarães, fruto d …