This practical book outlines and explains the rationale for using music therapy in child and family psychiatry. Amelia Oldfield reflects on current research methodology and describes characteristics of her own approach to therapy sessions, including how to start and end the session, how to motivate children and establish a positive musical dialogue with them, and how to include parents in the session.
Individual chapters focus on the results of the author’s research investigations with specific groups such as mothers and young children, groups of adults with profound difficulties, children with autistic spectrum disorder or severe physical and mental difficulties, as well as children without clear diagnosis.
This book is accessible to music therapists, psychiatrists, nurses and occupational therapists working with children and families, as well as music therapy trainers, their students and academics interested in music therapy.
Introduction. 1. Characteristics of my music therapy approach in child and family psychiatry. 2. Music therapy diagnostic assessments in child and family psychiatry. 3. The music therapy group at the Croft, assisting clinical diagnosis. 4. Individual short term music therapy in child and family psychiatry. 5. Music therapy with families at the Croft Unit. 6. Music Therapy Research. 7. Research investigation into music therapy diagnostic assessments. 8. Teaching music therapy. 9. Music therapy supervision. Conclusion. Appendices. References. Indexes.
Über den Autor
Amelia Oldfield is a well-known and prestigious music therapist with over 25 years‘ experience in the field. She works at the Croft Unit for Child and Family Psychiatry and at the Child Development Centre, Addenbrookes. She also lectures at Anglia Polytechnic University, where she co-initiated the MA Music Therapy Training. Amelia has completed four research investigations and a Ph D. She has also produced six music therapy training videos. She is married with four children and plays clarinet in local chamber music groups in Cambridge, UK.