This book contains the proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer Network Defence to take place in December 2006 at the School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, in the UK, and the Workshop preceding it.
The theme of the conference is the protection of computer networks. The conference has drawn participants from national and international organisations.
The following are a list of topics amongst those discussed: Computer Network Operations, Computer Network Attack, Network Application Security, Web Security, Vulnerability Management and Tracking, Network Forensics, Wireless and Mobile Security, Cryptography, Network Discovery and Mapping, Network Security, Intrusion Detection Systems, Incident Response and Management, Malicious Software, Network Architectures and Management, Legal and Ethical Issues.
The papers presented include contributions from leading figures in the field and are a valuable source of reference for both researcher and practitioner.
Computer Network Defence.- Efficient Sampling of the Structure of Crypto Generators’ State Transition Graphs.- Mandatory Access Control applications to web hosting.- Outsourcing Security Services for Low Performance Portable Devices.- Public Verifiable Multi-sender Identity Based Threshold Signcryption.- A Discussion on the Role of Deception in Information Operations for the Defence of Computer Networks.- A New Approach to Understanding Information Assurance.- Robust Public Key Cryptography — A New Cryptosystem Surviving Private Key Compromise.- Digital Forensics & Incident Analysis.- Review of Forensic Tools for Smartphones.- Oscar — Using Byte Pairs to Find File Type and Camera Make of Data Fragments.- An empirical methodology derived from the analysis of information remaining on second hand hard disks.- Towards Trustable Digital Evidence with PKIDEV: PKI Based Digital Evidence Verification Model.- Professionalism in Computer Forensics.