An existential manual for tragic optimists, can-do pessimists, and compassionate doomers
WITH GLOBAL WARMING projected to rocket past the 1.5°C limit, lifelong activist Andrew Boyd is thrown into a crisis of hope, and off on a quest to learn how to live with the ‚impossible news‘ of our climate doom.
He searches out eight leading climate thinkers — from collapse-psychologist Jamey Hecht to grassroots strategist adrienne maree brown, eco-philosopher Joanna Macy, and Indigenous botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer — asking them: ‚Is it really the end of the world? and if so, now what?‘
With gallows humor and a broken heart, Boyd steers readers through their climate angst as he walks his own. From storm-battered coastlines to pipeline blockades and ‚hopelessness workshops, ‚ he maps out our existential options, and tackles some familiar dilemmas: ‚Should I bring kids into such a world?‘ ‚Can I lose hope when others can’t afford to?‘ and ‚Why the fuck am I recycling?‘
He finds answers that will surprise, inspire, and maybe even make you laugh in this insightful and irreverent guide for achieving a ‚better catastrophe.‘
- BRONZE | 2023 Living Now Book Awards: Social Activism / Charity
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Prologue: It’s the End of the World. Now What?
Chapter 1: Impossible News
Interview: Guy Mc Pherson ‚If we’re the last of our species, let’s act like the best of our species.”
Interview: Tim De Christopher “It’s too late— which means there’s more to fight for than ever.”
Chapter 2: The Five Stages of Climate Grief
Interview: Meg Wheatley —“Give in without giving up.”
Chapter 3: Existential Crisis Scenario Planning
Interview: Gopal Dayaneni — “We’re going to suffer, so let’s distribute that suffering equitably.”
Chapter 4: How to Be White at the End of the World
Chapter 5: Is There Hope
Interview: Joanna Macy — “Be of service not knowing whether you’re a hospice worker or a midwife.”
Interview: Jamey Hecht — “Witness the whole human story through tragic eyes.”
Chapter 6: What Is Still Worth Doing
Interview: adrienne maree brown — “How do we fall as if we were holding a child on our chest?”
Interview: Robin Wall Kimmerer — “How can I be a good ancestor?”
Chapter 7: Experiments on the Verge
Chapter 8: Another End of the World Is Possible
Epilogue: Now Is When You Are Needed Most
Epi-Epilogue: Passing the Torch
Appendix: Stuff You Can (Still) Do
Über den Autor
Andrew Boyd is a writer, humorist, activist, and CEO (Chief Existential Officer) of the Climate Clock, a global campaign melding art, science, and grassroots organizing to get the world to #Act In Time on climate. Andrew’s previous books include Beautiful Trouble, Daily Afflictions, and Life’s Little Deconstruction Book. Andrew lives in New York City.