Every local church should be engaged with global missions, even if most individuals in the church aren’t called to go overseas. But what does this engagement actually look like? How can local churches train, send, and support missionaries well? Unpacking principles from the Bible and applying them in the context of real life in a local church, this book in the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series is filled with practical steps and advice for supporting missionaries, forming international partnerships, sending short-term teams, and engaging with the nations here at home. This book casts a vision for the local church as the engine of world missions―for the joy of all people and the glory of God.
丛书前言 1
序 言 3
引 言 处于十字路口的宣教 7
第一章 宣教的圣经依据 11
第二章 要事优先 21
第三章 合宜地差派和支持 27
第四章 分清轻重缓急 51
第五章 健康的宣教伙伴关系 67
第六章 短宣的变革 81
第七章 走近万民的其他方式 95
结 论 113
经文索引 117
Über den Autor
David Platt is the lead pastor of Mc Lean Bible Church in Virginia. You can find him on Twitter at @plattdavid.