Autor: Angelika Kruger

Peter Evans is a consultant in special education. Formerly, he was a senior analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation where he initiated the project ‘Promoting Partnerships for Inclusion’ in support of the initiation, development and evaluation of YEPP. Angelika Krüger is Vice President of the International Academy for Innovative Pedagogy, Psychology and Economy at the Free University of Berlin and Director of the Institute for Community Education. She was the Director of YEPP from its inception in 2001 till its conclusion in 2012. She is now the Chair of the Board of the YEPP International Resource Centre and consultant to the YEPP IRC Team.

5 Ebooks von Angelika Kruger

Peter Evans & Angelika Krüger: Youth and Community Empowerment in Europe
The current economic crisis with its gloomy implications for lost generations leaves many disadvantaged young people with ever-diminishing opportunities. The Youth Empowerment Partnership Programme ( …
Angelika Krüger: Vegane Köstlichkeiten – international
Aus Pfanne und Wok, Tajine und Topf zwinkert sie uns entgegen – die bunte Vielfalt veganer Köstlichkeiten aus aller Welt. Sie bringt den Duft ferner Länder und fremder Kulturen in unsere Küche, erinn …
Angelika Kruger & Cyril Poster: Community Education and the Western World
Community education is now a worldwide phenomenon, though its form varies widely depending on the social and historical context of each country and the needs of its people. This book examines the ran …
Angelika Kruger & Cyril Poster: Community Education and the Western World
Community education is now a worldwide phenomenon. It may have as its operational focus a school or community centre; or it may have no specific location but be an activity of a village or neighbourh …
Angelika Kruger & Cyril Poster: Community Education and the Western World
Community education is now a worldwide phenomenon. It may have as its operational focus a school or community centre; or it may have no specific location but be an activity of a village or neighbourh …