Anna Kwiatkowska, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of English Philology of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, where she is also the Coordinator of the Literature Section. Her main academic interests center around Modernist literature and its links with broadly understood art. She specializes in the works of E.M. Forster and Katherine Mansfield, and is a member of the International E.M. Forster Society and the Katherine Mansfield Society. Her publications include a monograph devoted to the novels of E.M. Forster, titled Sztuka na miarę, czyli dwa światy bohaterów E. M. Forstera [Custom-made Art or Two Worlds of the E. M. Forster“s Characters] (2013), and the articles „“What Hilda Knew“: The Use of Understatement in „The Obelisk“ by E.M. Forster“ (2004), „Ironic Reflections on Life: E. M. Forster“s Novels and Henri Bergson“s Philosophy of Laughter“ (2010), and „What Is Left of the Modernist Short Story „Sun and Moon“ by Katherine Mansfield in Polish Translation?“ (2015).
2 Ebooks von Anna Kwiatkowska
Anna Kwiatkowska: Old Masters in New Interpretations
The volume offers a variety of new interpretations of a selection of well-known and culturally established works of verbal and visual culture. It demonstrates how the two spheres of literature and br …
Krzysztof Fordonski & Anna Kwiatkowska: World of E. M. Forster – E. M. Forster and the World
Half a century after his demise, and over a century after the publication of his first novel Where Angels Fear to Tread in 1905, E. M. Forster still remains within the scope of interest of readers an …