Autor: Anne Bandry-Scubbi

Anne Bandry-Scubbi, Professor of British Literature at the University of Strasbourg, has published extensively on eighteenth-century fiction and is the senior editor of Revue de la Société d“Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. She has co-authored Tristram Shandy: Laurence Sterne (Armand Colin, 2006).Peter de Voogd, Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Utrecht, has published widely on the eighteenth century and Modernism, and is the founding editor of The Shandean, co-editor of The Reception of Sterne in Europe (Athlone Press – Continuum, 2004) and of The Letters of Laurence Sterne (University of Florida Press, 2009).

1 Ebooks von Anne Bandry-Scubbi

Anne Bandry-Scubbi & Peter de Voogd: Hilarion’s Asse
The humour of Tristram Shandy has often been acknowledged, but it is not easy to find scholarly articles on Laurence Sterne which suggest that their authors laughed as they wrote. Nine authors have b …