My brave wife is a victim of a DUI collision, a common tragedy Americans suffer and tolerate. Why? Americans are conditioned by perception management to crave alcohol! The culinary industry insists beer, wine, or a cocktail is necessary before, during, and after a meal. Advertisers feature star athletes and Hollywood celebrities to extoll the youthful pleasure of liquor. College curriculumdrink and be merry. Auto insurance agencies defend the drunk driver. The courts practice a catch and release rule of law for DUI crime. Politicians legislate DUI leniency. The public accepts the inevitability and unpredictability of the drunk driver, like a bad weather disaster. DUI victims are crybabies paying slick lawyers to exploit the system for undeserved reward. The truth is American DUI victims suffer, denied justice and restitution for injury. The drunk driver regains the privilege of driving, celebrates with a cocktail. Watching the game, the sport stars hawk a new brew. God bless the highway victims.
Über den Autor
Building a sandcastle with our great granddaughter. Hiking Sierra mountain trails; panning for gold. Romantic interludes. Growing older gracefully. A D.U.I. teen driving home from Cookies late night party with three drunk friends ended our retirement ambitions. Three car collision, eight lives threatened by instant death. My wife survived, severely wounded. The D.U.I. crash wrecked our physical and mental health; filled our hearts with anger and frustration.
Pain our new lifestyle. New retirement schedule: surgery, rehab, deposition, trial, surgery.
Promotion of liquor consumption without reasonable restriction is accepted policy by the American public. All professional sports teams endorse alcoholic beverages like selling soda pop, the message received by young athletes. A majority of American motorists sympathize with the arrested drunk driver; most adults have abused the privilege of driving. Americas leadership ignores the D.U.I. criminality and calamity. Insurance lawyers defend the drunk driver. Honest motorists, non-drinkers, have no defense against the madness produced by alcohol and drug impaired drivers. Lifelines twisted, sliced, erased by the D.U.I. criminals.
D.U.I. crime is 100% preventable. Warning labels on liquor products. Advertisement restrictions like cigarettes. A Mission Statement by responsible leaders to end D.U.I. Zero tolerance in the Courts, maximum penalty for D.U.I. crime. Driverless cars!