Über den Autor
Antonio Bucchiarone is a Senior Researcher at the Distributed Adaptive Systems research unit of Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) in Trento, Italy. His main research interests are self-adaptive (collective) systems, adaptive by-design service-based systems, AI-based service composition, and dynamic software architectures.
Nicola Dragoni is Associate Professor in Distributed Systems and Security at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, and Professor in Computer Engineering at Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems, Örebro University, Sweden. His main research interests lie in the areas of pervasive computing and security, with a focus on domains like Internet-of-Things, fog computing, mobile systems and microservices.
Schahram Dustdar is a Full Professor of Computer Science and heads TU Wien’s Distributed Systems Group. His research interests include distributed systems, the Internet of Things, and complex and autonomic software systems. He has received the ACM Distinguished Scientist award and the IBM Faculty Award. He is an elected member of Academia Europaea, where he is the Informatics Section Chairman, and is an IEEE Fellow.
Patricia Lago is a Full Professor in software engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she leads the Software and Services (S2) research group. Her research interests are in software architecture, software and service-oriented design, software quality assessment and software sustainability.
Manuel Mazzara is a Professor of Computer Science at Innopolis University. His research interests include software engineering, service-oriented architecture and programming, concurrency theory, formal methods, and software verification.
Victor Rivera is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Innopolis University, Russia. His research interests include formal models for developing and verifying software, constraint satisfaction problems, and concurrent constraint programming.
Andrey Sadovykh is an innovation consultant, formerly the head of the research unit at SOFTEAM, France. He has ten years’ experience in research projects in IT in a cross-cultural international context, as well as in R&D and software publishing. He successfully led several international consortia in collaborative projects involving large industries, SMBs and academic partners. Currently, he is a faculty at Innopolis University teaching in the software engineering program. His research interest are in model-driven engineering practices and methods applied to industry problems including multi-clouds and enterprise architectures.