How can Ukrainian literature flourish in the anglophone world?
Four translators and five publishers talk about how Ukrainian books are currently translated, marketed and distributed, and what they think will happen in the future.
The book was written to give Ukrainian publishers and writers some insight in to the motivations of English-language publishers of translated fiction, with a view to getting more rights sold and increasing the number of Ukrainian books available in English.
The topics covered in the conversations include:
- The imbalance of translated languages around the world and how this affects commissioning
- How editors and publishers choose which books to translate – and what turns them off
- Notable Ukrainian books and famous authors
- The translation process
- The history of Ukrainian literature
- The financial support available to publishers and translators – grants, subventions and institutional support
- Translators and publishers as ambassadors for Ukraine and the Ukrainian language
- The readership for translated literature
- Undertranslated authors and genres from Ukraine
- Pitching books to publishers
- Distribution channels, including Amazon
- Metadata, and why it’s important
- Publishing fellowships and cultural trips
- The relationship between academia and translation work
Dana Pavlychko
Christine Holbert and Grace Mahoney
Maxim Hodak
Michael Tate
Will Evans
Uilleam Blacker
Mark Andryczyk
Michael M Naydan
Nina Murray
Most appearances
Translated books by year and by decade
Bibliography: English translations of Ukrainian literature
Über den Autor
Arthur Thompson lives in the UK and works for a London publishing house. He has a Master’s in engineering and has been awarded the British Council’s inaugural International Publishing Fellowship. He is a specialist in ebook accessibility, production workflows, auto-narrated audiobooks and data analysis in book publishing.