Autor: Asha Praver

Author, Asha Nayaswami Asha (Praver) Nayaswami“s talks and online classes are a spiritual lifeline for people around the world. Thousands have received training from her over the past 45 years. She has a gift for deep spiritual clarity, and the ability to offer it in a way that reaches the mind and the heart. She serves as Ananda Sangha’s global ambassador at the request of her lifelong teacher, Swami Kriyananda. A long-time disciple of Yogananda, she is author of Swami Kriyananda: Lightbearer: The Life and Legacy of a Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Ask Asha, Loved & Protected, Swami Kriyananda as We Have Known Him, and has appeared in the film Finding Happiness. Asha is one of the spiritual directors of Ananda Palo Alto, but her home is increasingly in every corner of the globe, often through online webinars. She regularly gives talks when she is in the Bay Area, and teaches often on Saturdays and Tuesday evenings (a book study series based on Paramhansa Yogananda or Swami Kriyananda“s writings). 

3 Ebooks von Asha Praver

Asha Praver Nayaswami: Loved and Protected
If we ask God for help, will He respond? Loved & Protected by author Asha Nayaswami The stories in this book answer loud and clear: YES! In extraordinary and eye-opening accounts, we see the Div …
Asha Praver Nayaswami: Ask Asha
“Dear Asha, why is this happening to me?” Sorrow and stress are universal, but difficult situations can also be opportunities—life trying to guide us toward greater happiness—if only we had the wisdo …
Swami Kriyananda & Asha Praver: Swami Kriyananda, come noi lo conosciamo
Dopo quarant’anni di attenta osservazione, l’autrice e insegnante spirituale ci regala duecento splendide stori dei momenti più ispiranti con Kriyananda. Un libro pieno di fascino e gioia. 458 pagine …