Manolo Dulva Hina is an Associate Professor in Computer Science in ECE Paris School of Engineering. He is an accomplished educator and researcher. He previously taught in Concordia University, and Vanier College in Canada.; AMA International University and Bahrain Polytechnic in Bahrain; and in University of Versailles, and recently in ECE Paris School of Engineering in France. He was also the Dean of the College of Computer Studies of AMA International University – Bahrain when its Computer Science programme was first accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). He has supervised several Master and Ph.D. theses. He has also authored several book chapters, journal papers and international conference papers, some of which were adjudged “Best Paper” of such conferences. He recently edited a book on computational intelligence published by EAI/Springer. He previously worked in two international projects, namely “CASA (Car Safety App)” involving several French and German industrial companies, and “European Union Lifelong Programme: Future Education and Training in Computing” in formulating the European framework in computing education and training in which he collaborated with several academicians representing 32 European countries.
Amar Ramdane-Cherif received his Ph.D. degree from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris in 1998. In 2007, he obtained his HDR degree from Versailles University. From 2000 to 2007 he was associate professor at university of Versailles and worked in PRISM Laboratory. Since 2008, he is Full Professor at University of Versailles which belong to the Paris Saclay university and he works in LISV laboratory. His research interests include ambient intelligence, semantic representation of knowledge, modelling of the ambient environment, multimodal interaction between person-machine and machine-environment, system of fusion and fission of events, ambient assistance, software architecture, softwarequality, quality evaluation methods, functional and non-functional measurement of real-time, reactive and software embedded systems. He wrote 7 book chapters, 50 international journals and about 200 international conferences. He supervised 20 doctoral Ph D thesis and reviewed 30 Ph D theses. He managed several projects and made several national and intentional collaboration. Actually, he is member in the council board of the graduate school of computer science of the university of Paris Saclay.
Rafik Zitouni is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Institute for Communication Systems of University of Surrey, U.K. He is also a member of the 5G and 6G Innovation Centers (5GIC&6GIC), where he is working on architecture and protocols of 5G&6G networks. From 2015 to 2021, he was a lecturer with ECE Paris Graduate School of Engineering in France. He was also a research associate at VEDECOM institute from 2016 to 2018, Versailles, France. He received his Ph.D. degrees in computer science from University of Paris-Est in 2015 and his M.Sc. in 2011 from University of Paris 12. Before, he obtained his Engineer and Magister degrees in computer science from universities of Setif and Bejaia, Algeria in 2004 and 2007, respectively. His research interests span areas of wireless networks, software and cognitive radios with digital signal processing and software design as a background. Application fields of his research are Internet of Things (Io T), V2X communications and Cyber security.
Assia Soukane is an associate professor and the director of research at ECE Paris School of Engineering, Paris, France. She is also the head of the “Intelligent Communicating Systems” research axis at ECE Paris where the focus is on vehicle of the future. Her research exposure started with a DEA followed by a thesis, both done at the DAVID Laboratory of the University of Versailles, France. Her research focus is on the design of multi-source systems in a heterogeneous environment. The research theme is to provide optimal solutions to the problems that emerge during the design of these systems, and thus provide users with tools adapted to their needs. She has authored several journal and conference papers as well as book chapters.
1 Ebooks von Assia Soukane
Manolo Dulva Hina & Amar Ramdane-Cherif: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication
This book presents select papers from the 2nd EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications (CICom 2021). The papers reveal recent advances in the broader domains of C …