This new edition of
Social Work Research in Practice: Ethical and Political Contexts explores the intrinsic connection between knowledge, research and practice in social work. The authors argue that through a better appreciation of research, the highest standards of social work can be achieved.
The second edition investigates contemporary approaches which impact on the discourses of social work research, including:
– Evidence-based practice
– User-led research
– Anti-oppressive practice
– Practice-based research
Each chapter has been fully updated with a rich range of case examples and references. Further reading is also included, so that readers can expand their knowledge.
This book is a valuable resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as practitioners working in the field of social work.
Heather D′Cruz works as a Consultant: Research and Professional Education.
Martyn Jones is Associate Dean at RMIT University.
Research, Social Work and Professional Practice
The Research Question
Different Ways of Knowing and their Relevance for Research
Designing Research
Generating Data
Making Sense of Data: Analysis
Reporting and Disseminating Research