What is the future of Continental philosophy of religion? These forward-looking essays address the new thinkers and movements that have gained prominence since the generation of Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, and Levinas and how they will reshape Continental philosophy of religion in the years to come. They look at the ways concepts such as liberation, sovereignty, and post-colonialism have engaged this new generation with political theology and the new pathways of thought that have opened in the wake of speculative realism and recent findings in neuroscience and evolutionary psychology. Readers will discover new directions in this challenging and important area of philosophical inquiry.
Introduction: Back to the Future
Part I. The Messianic
1. Is Continental Philosophy of Religion Dead?
John D. Caputo
2. Friends and Strangers/Poets and Rabbis: Negotiating a ‚Capuphalian‘
Philosophy of Religion
B. Keith Putt
Response by Merold Westphal
Response by John D. Caputo
3. On Faith, the Maternal, and Postmodernism
Edward F. Mooney
4. The Persistence of the Trace: Interrogating the Gods of Speculative Realism
Steven Shakespeare
5. Speculating God: Speculative Realism and Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence
Leon Niemoczynski
6. Between Deconstruction and Speculation: John D. Caputo and A/Theological Materialism
Katharine Sarah Moody
Part II. Liberation
7. The Future of Liberation
Philip Goodchild
8. Monetized Philosophy and Theological Money: Uneasy Linkages and the Future of a Discourse
Devin Singh
9. ‚Between Justice and My Mother‘: Reflections On and Between Levinas and Žižek
Gavin Hyman
10. Verbis Indisciplinatis
Joseph Ballan
11. Overwhelming Abundance and Every-Day Liturgical Practices: For a Less Excessive Phenomenology of Religious Experience
Christina M. Gschwandtner
12. Counter-Currents: Theology and the Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion
Noëlle Vahanian
Part III. Plasticity
13. The Future of Derrida: Time between Epigenesis and Epigenetics
Catherine Malabou
14. On Reading – Catherine Malabou
Randall Johnson
15. Necessity as Virtue: On Religious Materialism from Feuerbach to Žižek
Jeffrey W. Robbins
16. Plasticity in the Contemporary Islamic Subject
John Thibdeau
17. From Cosmology to the First Ethical Gesture: Schelling with Irigaray
Lenart Škof
18. Prolegomenon to Thinking the Reject for the Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion
Irving Goh
19. Entropy
Clayton Crockett
List of Contributor
Über den Autor
Clayton Crockett is Associate Professor and Director of Religious Studies at the University of Central Arkansas. He is author of Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics after Liberalism.
B. Keith Putt is Professor of Philosophy at Samford University. He is editor of Gazing Through a Prism Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal’s Hermeneutical Epistemology.
Jeffrey W. Robbins is Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion and Philosophy, and Director of American Studies at Lebanon Valley College. He is author of Radical Democracy and Political Theology and editor (with Clayton Crockett) of Religion, Politics, and the Earth: The New Materialism.