This books looks specifically at ICT adoption and learning trajectories in developing countries; a context characterized by skill deficiencies and weak institutional support. The authors employ a theoretical framework and research techniques to present firm-level evidence on learning in firms in an Internet-based production environment.
List of Tables List of Figures Acknowledgements Introduction Methodological Framework for Studying SME Clusters Adoption of E-Business and Industry-Specific Factors Determinants of E-Business Adoption Learning New Technologies by SMEs: Mechanisms and Trajectories Institutional Infrastructure Supporting E-Business Adoption Collective Action, Competitiveness and E-Business Technologies Growth of Employment and the Adoption of E-Business New Technologies and Export Performance of SMEs Conclusions References
Über den Autor
BANJI OYELARAN-OYEYINKA is currently Professor and Senior Researcher at the United Nations University-Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH), The Netherlands. Up until early 2001, he was Senior Economic Affairs Officer with the UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland. He has published widely in international journals and his most recent book is
Learning to Compete in African Industry (Ashgate Publishing, 2006).
KAUSHALESH LAL earned his Ph D degree from Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is currently a Researcher at the UNU-INTECH, The Netherlands. He has authored a book on the causes and consequences of the adoption of ICTs, and has published several articles in international journals.