Dr Linden West is a Reader in Education and Co-Director of the Centre for International Studies of Diversity and Participation (CISDP). He was formerly Principal Lecturer in the Department of Post-Compulsory Education at Canterbury Christ Church, Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Kent and a Principal Research Fellow at the University of East London and a researcher in adult education at the University of Keele. He has worked in further education, for the Workers Educational Association, in Local Authority adult education, for the Open University and as a broadcaster. Linden is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce and is also a qualified psychoanalytic psychotherapist, registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). He is an Honorary Member of the Standing Conference of Researchers and Teachers in the Education of Adults as well as Coordinator of European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Life History and Biographical Research Network. He has been a Visiting Professor at various European universities and has taught in Poland, Denmark, Italy, Spain, France and many other countries. He has published widely and his writing has been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, French and Italian.
11 Ebooks von Barbara Merrill
Barbara Merrill & Linden West: Using Biographical Methods in Social Research
Using Biographical Methods in Social Research provides an informative, comprehensive, accessible and practical guide to the nature and use of biographical methods, combining a consideration of theore …
Heidrun Herzberg & Eva Kammler: Biographie und Gesellschaft
International bekannte Autorinnen und Autoren loten die Potenziale der Biographieforschung für die Untersuchung des Ineinandergreifens von Individuum und Gesellschaft aus und wenden sich gegen populä …
Terry Hyland & Barbara Merrill: Changing Face of Further Education
What are the values and policies which are driving the development of Further Education institutions?The rapid expansion and development of the post-compulsory sector of education means that further …
Barbara Merrill: Gender, Change and Identity
First published in 1999, this volume centres on a case study which looks at the experiences of non-traditional adult women students in universities, from the perspective of the actors. The interactio …
Barbara Merrill: Gender, Change and Identity
First published in 1999, this volume centres on a case study which looks at the experiences of non-traditional adult women students in universities, from the perspective of the actors. The interactio …
Fergal Finnegan & Barbara Merrill: Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education
This book focuses on the voices and experiences of non-traditional students in European higher education. It examines the impact that access to higher education is having on these students‘ lives and …
Fergal Finnegan & Barbara Merrill: Student Voices on Inequalities in European Higher Education
This book focuses on the voices and experiences of non-traditional students in European higher education. It examines the impact that access to higher education is having on these students‘ lives and …
Terry Hyland & Barbara Merrill: Changing Face of Further Education
What are the values and policies which are driving the development of Further Education institutions?The rapid expansion and development of the post-compulsory sector of education means that further …
Terry Hyland & Barbara Merrill: Changing Face of Further Education
What are the values and policies which are driving the development of Further Education institutions?The rapid expansion and development of the post-compulsory sector of education means that further …
Barbara Merrill & Linden West: Using Biographical Methods in Social Research
Using Biographical Methods in Social Research provides an informative, comprehensive, accessible and practical guide to the nature and use of biographical methods, combining a consideration of theore …
Peter Alheit & Anders Siig Anderson: Using Biographical and Life History Approaches in the Study of Adult and Lifelong Learning: European Perspectives
This book illuminates the rich and creative uses of biographical and life history approaches in studying adult and lifelong learning, in diverse ways and settings, across many European countries. It …