This bespoke ebook compilation is focused on important themes and issues in primary education, including assessment, planning, behaviour management, and inclusion. It has been produced in order to address workload concerns and to offer additional but focused support by presenting a collection of helpful chapters from a wide range of texts to support your learning effectively and ensure that you continue to grow your knowledge base, develop your learning, and enjoy exploring and researching a wide range of topics in a supportive and accessible way. It takes key chapters from a range of popular educational texts. Each chapter has deliberately been kept in its original format so that you become familiar with a variety of styles and approaches as you progress your studies.
1 Practical wisdom and public knowledge
An introduction to key underpinning theories around ‘learning power’ and teachers’ workplace learning. This chapter explores ways of, and developing a rationale for, mediating between what is ‘required’ by external voices and what is great teaching and learning through developing inquisitive approaches as a learner-teacher to take a pragmatic approach to constructivist teaching/learning.
2 Well-structured teaching
This chapter takes a broad but in-depth look at aspects Teachers’ Standard 4, looking at the implications of and potential for developmental practice through planning and teaching. The chapter explores the purposes of planning and making the transition from planning to teaching. This is developed through tangible examples. There are opportunities to put theory into practice through a range of tasks which frame ‘deep reflection’ of teaching and learning. Particular strands of learning and teaching explored through the lens of planning are: “structure and freedom”, “learning and order”, “independence and learned helplessness” and the wider planning influence teachers can have through curriculum design.
3 Assessment
Introduces key aspects of teachers’ work with and understanding of assessment. Key terminology, tools and modes of assessment (in the realms of both formative and summative assessment) are addressed. There is a model for critical engagement with practice provided by the approach taken in this chapter which is ultimately linked with ways of using pupil data to assess progress and inform future practice. There is an outline of key statutory requirements and a host of practical examples to support the application of theory to practice.
4 Using assessment accurately and productively
Assessment is further explored through providing opportunities to apply theory to reflections on personal practice. In addition to exploring assessment of the various Primary curriculum areas, the chapter will develop confidence in using pupils’ data more widely and developing assessment practice to involve pupils in actively evaluating their own learning.
5 Planning and assessment
In this chapter, the symbiotic relationship between planning and assessment is presented as key to highest quality learning and teaching which meets the needs of pupils. Short, medium and long-term planning are outlined and the purpose of each of these levels of planning made clear. The role and purpose of differentiation, and its relationship with both planning and assessment, are linked with formative and summative modes of assessment. Case studies are used throughout the chapter to exemplify ideas and model reflective practice.
6 Behaviour management
A range of practical strategies for effective behaviour management are introduced alongside the theory which underpins them. The core principles of behaviourist and humanist psychology are linked with developing a deeper understanding of children’s behaviour and exemplified in case studies. Theory and practice are linked with the Teachers’ Standards, Carter Review and SEN Code of Practice to support an understanding of the place of behaviour within the wider context of learning and teaching.
7 Managing pupils‘ behaviour
An opportunity to develop an understanding of behaviour and its relationship with curricular, social and moral learning through a range of suggested viewpoints on key areas of practice and guided reflections. Ideas around pupils’ ‘moral development’ are explored through discussions of: teachers’ responsibilities; working within school frameworks; developing an increasingly autonomous model for pupils. Behaviour is finally considered in various interpretations of ‘learning’, leading to a framed opportunity to consider practice in a known school context.
8 Behaviour management and classroom discipline
A range of specific behaviour strategies are presented which support active engagement with the approaches and a critically reflective approach to considering potential and actual impact on pupils. The strategies explored provide opportunities for practical application in specific contexts and areas of behaviour: using the schools’ behaviour policy; initial preparation; operating in the classroom itself; rewards and sanctions; extreme forms of behaviour. Case studies exemplify key ideas and are supported by critical engagement and challenge tasks.
9 Understanding policy
Focused on equality in schools, this chapter provides an introduction to key policy and an historical overview of the development of thinking, policy and practice regarding inclusion. There are opportunities to review a case study, personal practice and wider aspects of inclusion; SEN, models of disability, inclusion and equal opportunities are all linked to key research, policy and in-school applications.
10 The inclusive classroom
Practical approaches to creating an inclusive classroom as a developing practitioner are suggested along with frameworks for reflecting on the impact of developing practice and starting points for extending pedagogical approaches. Considering the physical environment is explored in particular depth, with some specific examples of ways to meet some common impairments and learning difficulties. Examples and ideas for grouping pupils and supporting individuals are linked with summarise some of the key principles discussed in this chapter.
11 The inclusive curriculum
Removing barriers to learning is the core focus of this chapter which contextualises this through links with core research. Differentiation is explored a pedagogical concept: this is presented as an integral mode of thinking to ensure inclusivity and to provide a range of opportunities for children to learn effectively. Alongside ideas of accessibility, support and challenge, the chapter prompts a way of viewing inclusion and differentiation as ‘learning differently’ to challenge and shape pedagogy.
12 Understanding learners with SEND
A specific case study is used as the starting point for a broad discussion of SEND, both in terms of identifying pupils and the wider local, national and international contexts of understanding in this area of educational provision
13 Understanding learners with EAL
An overview of some key theory underpinning approaches to understanding working with learners with English as an additional language (EAL). There is an exploration of the who might be considered an EAL learner and this is linked with an insight into pupils’ cultural and experiential backgrounds. There is a framed opportunity to examine implications for and the potential impact of practice when providing learning opportunities for learners with EAL.
Über den Autor
Colin Howard is a senior lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) at the University of Worcester supporting outstanding training for trainee teachers and their class-based mentors. He has been involved in primary education for over 30 years of which 15 years were as a successful headteacher in both small village and large primary settings. His research and school experience links to primary science, mentoring trainees, school leadership, SEND and teacher professional identity. He has written publications linked to primary science, teachers and student’s mental health and well-being, British Values, mentoring in schools and school leadership and management.