Autor: Baton Rouge, USA Louisiana State University Louisiana State University ,USA Louisiana State University, USA) Losso Jack N. (Louisiana State University


2 Ebooks von Baton Rouge, USA Louisiana State University Louisiana State University ,USA Louisiana State University, USA) Losso Jack N. (Louisiana State University

Debasis Bagchi & Jack N. Losso: Anti-Angiogenic Functional and Medicinal Foods
The ability to regulate and manipulate the generation or remodeling of blood vessels is key to the successful treatment of many chronic diseases, both oncological and non-oncological. Several bioacti …
Jack N. Losso: Maillard Reaction Reconsidered
Cooking involves chemical reactions that can make food smell and taste better. However, the same process that is responsible for creating the aroma, flavor, palatability, color, and taste of grilled …