Nina Becker is a development economist, specialized in rural development, natural resources, and climate change. Her research and professional interests include climate change mitigation and adaptation – in particular the integration of development and environment. Nina Becker has research and work experience in Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in „European Economic Studies“ from the Otto Friedrich University Bamberg, Germany, and a Master of Science degree in „International Development Studies“ from Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands.
2 Ebooks von Becker Nina Becker
Nina Becker: Effects of climate change on the profitability of carbon credit sales
Nina Becker’s research provides a thorough analysis of the economics of carbon sequestration from an interdisciplinary perspective on the impacts of climate change on forest resources. The analysis i …
Nina Becker: Amigurumi-Wunderland
Ein Häkel-Wunderland der anderen Art Diese niedlichen Amigurumis bringen Abwechslung für deine Häkelnadeln. Denn mit den Anleitungen in diesem Buch kannst du nicht nur 15 tierische Figuren ganz easy …