Ben (featured on the cover), though born in Michigan and having lived many places, calls Texas home. He and his wife lived there 28 years and raised their family there. They have two grown children, both native Texans, and proud of it. Ben retired in 2008 after over 42 years in the aviation industry. One of the primary reasons for his decision was making time for his family and his second love, hunting and fishing.
2 Ebooks von Ben Harpe
Ben Harpe: Squirrel Tales to Game Trails and Shore Lunches
Why do I hunt and fish? Because I derive enjoyment, satisfaction, relaxation, and pleasure from it, that’s why. I enjoy the planning, preparation, anticipation, excitement, camaraderie, and if I’m fo …
Ben Harpe: Our Papa Is Santa, Too?
When our daughter asked me to be Santa Claus for our first grandson, our little grandson Jeffrey, who loves me, and I love him, how could I say no? I couldn’t. I told her I would rent a Santa suit, w …