Autor: Ben Robicheau

Ben Robicheau is a recreational writer. He has contributed a series of autobiographical stories about growing up on Brier Island to Passages, the monthly Digby Neck and Islands newsletter. In collaboration with Jim Prime he created the Gurrey and Grime characters and for two years they wrote monthly episodes which appeared in Passages. He also collaborated with Jim on two award-winning plays which were performed at King“s Theatre in Annapolis Royal as part of their King“s Shorts Ten Minute Play competition. Ben lives with his wife, Randi, in Hamilton, Ontario, close to his children Sarah and Michael and grandchildren Felix, Charlie and Lyla. He is working on a collection of short stories about growing up on Brier Island.

3 Ebooks von Ben Robicheau

Jim Prime & Ben Robicheau: Fish and Dicks
Gurrey and Grime are detectives prowling the gritty streets of Digby Neck and the Islands, pursuing purloined possessions and bringing evil-doers to account. Some of their hilarious stories first app …
Ben Robicheau: Two Ferries Out
With self-deprecating humour and keen observational insights, Ben Robicheau tells the tale of life on Brier Island, Nova Scotia, in the middle of the twentieth century. He roams with us from the comi …
Ben Robicheau: A Wilderness of Water
In 1963, just before Christmas, two young men set off in their fishing boat in hopes of getting one more good haul of fish before the weather gets bad. They sail off into the stormy waters of St. Mar …