Autor: Bernardete Ribeiro

Dr Armando Vieira is a Data Scientist and Artificial Intelligence consultant with an entrepreneurial mindset. Passionate about how to make Machine Learning projects work for organizations and how to build great AI based products.As algorithms are becoming a commodity, the challenge is not building them but using them to solve real problems. Have coordinated several projects on Credit Risk Evaluation, Recommendation Systems, Clustering Analysis and Predictive Analytics.  Bernardete Ribeiro is Professor at University of Coimbra, Portugal. She has a Ph.D. and Habilitation in Informatics Engineering. She is Director of the Center of Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC).She is President of the Portuguese Association of Pattern Recognition (APRP). She is Founder and Director of the Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks (LARN) for more than 20 years. She is IEEE SMC Senior member, member of International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR), International Neural Network Society (INNS), and ACM. Her research interests are in the areas of Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition,  and their applications to abroad range of fields. She is author or co-author of over three hundred publications including books, journalsand international and national conferences. She has delivered numerous invited talks, seminars, and short courses.

5 Ebooks von Bernardete Ribeiro

Armando Vieira & Bernardete Ribeiro: Introduction to Deep Learning Business Applications for Developers
Discover the potential applications, challenges, and opportunities of deep learning from a business perspective with technical examples. These applications include image recognition, segmentation and …
Noel Lopes & Bernardete Ribeiro: Machine Learning for Adaptive Many-Core Machines – A Practical Approach
The overwhelming data produced everyday and the increasing performance and cost requirements of applications are transversal to a wide range of activities in society, from science to industry. I …
Julian Fierrez & Aythami Morales: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
This 2-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Ib PRIA 2019, held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2019.The 99 papers in thes …
Julian Fierrez & Aythami Morales: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
This 2-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Ib PRIA 2019, held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2019.The 99 papers in thes …
Goreti Marreiros & Bruno Martins: Progress in Artificial Intelligence
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2022, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, in August/September 2022. The 64 papers presented in thi …