From Model-Driven Design to Resource Management for Distributed Embedded Systems presents 16 original contributions and 12 invited papers presented at the Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems – DIPES 2006, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing – IFIP. Coverage includes model-driven design, testing and evolution of embedded systems, timing analysis and predictability, scheduling, allocation, communication and resource management in distributed real-time systems.
Design Challenges in Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip.- Some Issues in Model-Based Development for Embedded Control Systems.- MDE Benefits for Distributed, Real Time and Embedded Systems.- Reifying the Semantic Domains of Component Contracts.- Model-Based Test Selection for Infinite State Reactive Systems.- Continuous Engineering of Embedded systems.- Prototyping an Ambient Light System – A Case Study.- The Paderkicker Team: Autonomy in Realtime Environments.- Modular Compilation of Synchronous Programs.- Trends in Timing Analysis.- Traffic Scheduling Anomalies in Temporal Partitions.- Pulsed Data Streams.- From Time-Triggered to Time-Deterministic Real-Time Systems.- Lazy Scheduling for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes.- Transient Processor/Bus Fault Tolerance for Embedded Systems.- Distributed Timed Multitasking – A Model of Computation for Hard Real-Time Distributed Systems.- Iterative Refinement Approach for QOS-Aware Service Configuration.- A Fast and Efficient Isomorphic Task Allocation Scheme for K-Ary N-Cube Systems.- Communication-Aware Component Allocation Algorithm for a Hybrid Architecture.- Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Embedded System Platforms.- Dynamic Memory Management for Embedded Real-Time Systems.- Reliability-Aware Power Management of Multi-Core Processors.- Evaluating Energy-Aware Task Allocation Strategies for MPSOCS.- Integration of Energy Reduction into High-Level Synthesis by Partitioning.- A Demonstration Case on the Transformation of Software Architectures for Service Specification.- Model-Based Analysis of a Windmill Communication System.- Pre-Runtime Scheduling Considering Timing and Energy Constraints in Embedded Systems with Multiple Processors.- A Hierarchical Approach for Power Management on Mobile Embedded Systems.