Robin is the central figure and subject of TWENTY-ONE BOXES. She was eighteen years old when the daycare scandal erupted in Edenton, North Carolina. While waiting for the case to be dismissed, she went on to earn a degree in medical technology, married the love of her life, and they raised her two boys together. Robin retired a few years ago and enjoys sharing a wonderful home in the country in eastern North Carolina with Eddie. Her boys and their families all live close enough to allow her to spend lots of time with her grandchildren. Her passion in life is her family, gardening, and playing with those grandkids
1 Ebooks von Betsy Hester
Betsy Hester & Robin Couto: TWENTY-ONE BOXES
In 1989, the Little Rascals Day Care in Edenton, North Carolina, was suddenly thrust into the national spotlight. One day, the owner’s husband disciplined a boy at naptime, and soon an angry mother s …