Chapter 1 ‒ Before Departure
Flight planning
NOTAMS – Notice to Airman/Airwoman
Security screening
Why does everybody have a laptop?
I have sped through security screening; how do I speed through immigration?
I am your nervous flyer
Aircraft checks
Engines turning whilst the aircraft is parked
The hard facts on commercial accidents?
Pilots and coffee
Pilots, alcohol, and drugs
Wing inspection markings
What is with the delays?
The barking dog noises
What about animals, how do they travel?
Do you transport bodies? What if somebody dies inflight?
Can I find out about my pilots before the flight?
Chapter 2 – During
Jettison fuel/dump fuel
Wingtip vortices and chemtrails
Letters and numbers on the ground
Do you really fly it or is it the autopilot?
Bad weather
What if we get hit by lightning?
Can pilots fly different aircraft types?
Radios and losing radio contact
What call signs do they give you?
Alpha Bravo Charlie Zulu and the phonetics
What happens if you hit a bird?
Are aircraft germ labs?
Can you get sucked in or stuck on a toilet seat?
Does the toilet flush out into the air?
Is it possible for somebody to open a door in flight?
How do you open doors in an emergency?
Reclining seats
Air rage and air frustrations
I saw my pilot in the galley, who is flying?
Smoking in a plane
What is a knot?
How does a jet engine work?
What does final approach mean?
Speed restrictions. Are there speed cameras?
If pilots can speed up after delays, why don’t you fly faster all the time?
Air routes and short cuts
Ice on the wings
Chapter 3 – After
The difference between good landings and a bad one
Domestic vs international
Do you want to fly the big ones?
Are you a Captain? What are the other pilots called?
What is seniority and is there really a seniority list?
Can you visit the cockpit?
What are the ongoing requirements and training?
How do you beat jetlag?
Chapter 4 ‒ I hate it when
I hear we have a slight technical delay
We are just waiting on the last of the paperwork
‒ The aircraft Technical Log
‒ Fuel receipts and dockets
‒ Load and balance paperwork
Delays and the nervous flyer
Tray table, seat back, and window shade
Lights dimmed in the cabin
Chapter 5 – Uniform
Short sleeves
Nav bags
Chapter 6 ‒ What I can see
All the colored lights on an aircraft mean?
Rotating beacon
Anti-Collison lights
Four-engine planes have to be better than two-engine
Could I be talked through a landing?
How does the plane actually fly?
What is a stall?
Can we glide?
Why do you take-off and land into wind?
Chapter 8 – Miscellaneous
Future technology
Pilotless aircraft
Pilot error
MH370, will they find it?
In light of an accident
Is Qantas the safest/best airline?
What about low cost carriers? Are they still safe?
Is Boeing safer than Airbus?