What works, why it works, and how to evaluate a shared servicesprogram
Shared services, a form of ‚internal outsourcing, ‚ enablescorporations to achieve economies of scale by creating a separateentity within the company to perform specific internal services, such as payroll, accounts payable, travel and expense processing, etc. Essentials of Shared Services provides a quick, conciseoverview of shared services fundamentals, bringing senior-levelexecutives up to speed so that they make the right decision. Bryan Bergeron provides a foundation of shared services from ahistorical, economic, technical, and customer perspective, showinghow shared services can impact a corporation’s bottom line, bothlong and short term. He delivers specific recommendations that canbe used to establish and manage a shared services effort andincludes a variety of examples of programs that work and those thatdo not.
1 Overview.
2 The Corporation.
3 Shared Business Unit.
4 Process.
5 Technology.
6 Evaluation.
7 Economics.
8 Getting There.
Further Reading.
Über den Autor
BRYAN BERGERON has spent the last thirty years designing and working with computers and electronics. He teaches at Harvard Medical School and MIT, serves as Editor in Chief of e.MD and technical editor of Postgraduate Medicine, and is on the editorial boards of Healthcare Informatics and Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, among others. He has authored several books on business and technology.