Steen Hyldgaard Christensen M.A. in Scandinavian Language and Literature and the History of Ideas, Aarhus University. Ph.D. in Educational Studies, Aalborg University. Senior lecturer at Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Herning, Denmark, until 2014. From 2014, adjunct associate professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. He has initiated six big international inter- and metadisciplinary research projects on engineering including PROCEED and coordinated fi ve of them. He has acted in roles of editor-in-chief and coauthor of four books: Profession, Culture, and Communication: An Interdisciplinary Challenge to Business and Engineering (Institute of Business Administration and Technology Press 2003); Philosophy in Engineering (Academica 2007); Engineering in Context (Academica 2009); and Engineering, Development and Philosophy: American, Chinese, and European Perspectives (Springer 2012). Besides, he has coauthored A Hybrid Imagination: Science and Technology in Cultural Perspective (Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2011) together with Andrew Jamison and Lars Botin. In addition, he has published a number of articles on engineering epistemology, culture, and education. Current research interest includes academic drift in engineering education and structural dynamics in higher education.
Christelle Didier B.S. in Electrochemistry Engineering, M.A. in Education, Ph.D. in Sociology from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. From 1993 to 2013, Assistant Professor, Lille University, France, Ethics Department. Assistant Professor, Charles de Gaulle University of Lille, Education Department. Member of CIREL (EA 4354). Coauthor of Ethique industrielle (De Boeck, Brussels, 1998) and author of Penser l’éthique des ingénieurs (PUF, Paris 2008) and Les ingénieurs et l’éthique: Pour un regard sociologique (Hermes 2008). She has published many articles on ethics and social responsibility in the engineering profession and education and on the engineering profession’s values (from interviews and extensive surveys). Her research areas are engineering ethics and values, including historical, cultural, and gender perspective, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, social responsibility.
Andrew Jamison B.A. in History and Science from Harvard University, Ph.D. in Theory of Science from University of Gothenburg (Göteborg). Docent in Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg. Professor of Technology, Environment, and Society at Aalborg University. Coordinator of Program of Research on Opportunities and Challenges in Engineering Education in Denmark (PROCEED), 2010–2013, and author, most recently, of The Making of Green Knowledge: Environmental Politics and Cultural Transformation (Cambridge 2001), Hubris and Hybrids: A Cultural History of Technology and Science , with Mikael Hård (Routledge 2005), A Hybrid Imagination: Science and Technology in Cultural Perspective (Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2011) together with Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and Lars Botin, and The Making of Green Engineers: Sustainable Development and the Hybrid Imagination (Morgan and Claypool 2013).
Martin Meganck M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Ghent University, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, and M.A. Moral Theology both from KU Leuven. Lecturer in Philosophy and Ethics in the Faculty of Engineering Technology, researcher at the Center for Science, Technology, and Ethics, and the Theological Faculty of the KU Leuven. Teaching areas include Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Technology, and Professional and Business Ethics. He was coauthor and coeditor of Philosophy in Engineering (Academica 2007) and Engineering in Context (Academica 2009).
Carl Mitcham B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy from University of Colorado, Boulder. Ph.D. in Philosophy from Fordham University. Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Renmin University of China, Beijing; Liberal Arts and International Studies, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Scholarly contributions have been directed toward the philosophy and ethics of science, technology, engineering, and medicine and to science, technology, and society (STS) studies. Teaching areas include ethics, STS, and science and technology policy.
Byron Newberry B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Alabama. M.S. in Aerospace Engineering and Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, both from Iowa State University. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Baylor University. Baylor Fellow for teaching. Professional Engineer (PE) Texas, USA. Research interests include engineering design, engineering ethics, and philosophy of engineering and technology. Aircraft structural engineering consultant. Executive board member, National Institute for Engineering Ethics. Editor of the Springer Philosophy of Engineering and Technology book series.
18 Ebooks von Carl Mitcham
Kristin Shrader-Frechette & Laura Westra: Technology and Values
Technology and Values provides a highly useful collection of essays organized around issues related to science, technology, public health, economics, the environment, and ethical theory. The editors …
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen & Christelle Didier: International Perspectives on Engineering Education
This inclusive cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering education and context. In so doing the book offers a reflection on contextual boundaries with an overall boundary crossing a …
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen & Christelle Didier: Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values
This second companion volume on engineering studies considers engineering practice including contextual analyses of engineering identity, epistemologies and values. Key overlapping questions examine …
Carl Mitcham & Bocong LI: Philosophy of Engineering, East and West
This co-edited volume compares Chinese and Western experiences of engineering, technology, and development. In doing so, it builds a bridge between the East and West and advances a dialogue in the ph …
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen & Carl Mitcham: Engineering, Development and Philosophy
This inclusive, cross-cultural study rethinks the nexus between engineering, development, and culture. It offers diverse commentary from a range of disciplinary perspectives on how the philosophies o …
Helena M. Jerónimo & José Luís Garcia: Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in the 21st Century
This volume rethinks the work of Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) on the centenary of his birth, by presenting an overview of the current debates based on Ellul’s insights. As one of the most significant tw …
Alois Huning & Carl Mitcham: Philosophy and Technology II
Until recently, the philosophy and history of science proceeded in a separate way from the philosophy and history of technology, and indeed with respect to both science and technology, philosophical …
Carl Mitcham: Philosophy of Technology in Spanish Speaking Countries
This volume grew out of the experience of the First Inter-American Congress on Philosophy of Technology, October 1988, organized by the Center for the Philosophy and History of Science and Technology …
Carl Mitcham: Steps toward a Philosophy of Engineering
The rise of classic Euro-American philosophy of technology in the 1950s originally emphasized the importance of technologies as material entities and their mediating influence within human experience …
Lee Hoinacki & Carl Mitcham: The Challenges of Ivan Illich
Original essays explore the thought and influence of philosopher, educator, social critic, and theologian Ivan Illich. This unique collection examines the man Utne Reader has called ‚the greatest soc …
Stephen H. Cutcliffe & Carl Mitcham: Visions of STS
Maps interconnections between science, technology, and society in order to understand both benefits and costs. Visions of STS brings together the views of ten leading scholars to clarify the nature o …
Joanna Drzewieniecki & Guoli Liu: Russian Studies, Political Science, and the Philosophy of Technology
This volume presents state-of-the-art creative scholarship in political science and area studies with an emphasis on Russia. The contributors, all well-known in their specialties, share the convictio …
Jim Grote & Carl Mitcham: Theology and Technology, Volume 1
Originally published nearly forty years ago as a spiritual successor to Carl Mitcham and Robert Mackey’s Philosophy and Technology, the essays collected in the two volumes of Theology and Technology …
Jim Grote & Carl Mitcham: Theology and Technology, Volume 2
Originally published nearly forty years ago as a spiritual successor to Carl Mitcham and Robert Mackey’s Philosophy and Technology, the essays collected in the two volumes of Theology and Technology …
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen & Anders Buch: Engineering, Social Sciences, and the Humanities
This book presents a critical examination of conversations between engineering, social sciences, and the humanities asking whether their conversations have come of age. These conversations are import …
Carl Mitcham: Thinking through Technology
What does it mean to think about technology philosophically? Why try? These are the issues that Carl Mitcham addresses in this work, a comprehensive, critical introduction to the philosophy of techno …