In this sequel to Libby’s London Merchant, Benedict Nesbitt, Duke of Knaresborough, becomes a reluctant Good Samaritan. Under duress from his butler, he offers a ride to a Spanish woman and child trudging in the rain. She does him a good turn, and he feels obligated to return the favor. He senses that Liria Valencia is no ordinary woman, although she is silent about her past.
Patiently, Nez learns more, which takes him back to an event he would rather forget – the last siege of Badajoz, during Wellington’s Peninsular Wars. He is not proud of his role in the terrible aftermath, but he must know more, because he has fallen in love again.
Can people change? Yes. Is change sometimes painful? Yes again. Is change worth it? The only way is to find out. On one hand, more regret. On the other, redemption and love.
Über den Autor
A veteran of romance writing, USA Today best-selling author Carla Kelly is the author of forty-five novels and three non-fiction works, as well as numerous short stories and articles. She is the recipient of two RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America for Best Regency of the Year; two Spur Awards from Western Writers of America; three Whitney Awards, 2011, 2012, and 2014; and a Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times. Carla’s interest in historical fiction is a byproduct of her scholar’s study of history. Her variety of jobs include medical public relations work, feature writer and columnist for a North Dakota daily newspaper, and ranger in the National Park Service at Fort Laramie National Historic Site and Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site. She has done contract research for the North Dakota Historical Society. Interest in the maritime Napoleonic Wars led to novels about the British Channel Fleet. Carla has also written novels set in Wyoming, and in the early twentieth century that focus on ranching. Her books have been translated into 18 languages.