Autor: Carla Langhorst

Growing up with an inventor meant that our basement was the factory, our kitchen the laboratory, and I was a guinea pig. I’ve always been surrounded by good, bad, and ugly ideas – but there never was an easy way to distinguish between them. I never thought that I’d write a book. But there are times when it just makes sense. Writing this book helped me identify when the time was right for me to start my own business. I hope that it does the same for you. Enjoy the ride. Don’t just wait for the car to stop.

2 Ebooks von Carla Langhorst

Carla Langhorst: Will It Fly?
Have you been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Do you have a potentially ground-breaking idea? Are you contemplating starting your own business? If youve answered yes to any of these questio …
Peter Miller & Carla Langhorst: The GiveBack Economy
Why Social Innovation & Social Enterprise? Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship is a field that is just heating up. It is a business idea that has been fringe for a number of years, but that …