Allgemeines, Lexika SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftKunst / ArchitekturAllgemeines, LexikaKunstgeschichteBildende KunstArchitekturInnenarchitektur, DesignTheater, BallettFotografie, Film, Video, TVAntiquitätenSonstiges23.577 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Walter Byongsok Chon & Anne M. Hamilton: Dramaturgy: The Basics Dramaturgy: The Basics introduces the art of dramaturgy, explaining how dramaturgy works, what a dramaturg is, and how to appreciate their unique contribution to theatre-making. A wide-ranging accoun … EPUB Adobe DRM €21.95 Joyce H. Townsend: An Introduction to Materials and Chemistry This new edition of An Introduction to Materials and Chemistry, book 1 in the updated Science for Conservators series, provides conservators and conservators-in-training with a very basic introductio … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.46 Freya Jarman-Ivens: Oh Boy! From Muddy Waters to Mick Jagger, Elvis to Freddie Mercury, Jeff Buckley to Justin Timberlake, masculinity in popular music has been an issue explored by performers, critics, and audiences. From the … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.49 Daniel H. Rellstab & Christiane Schlote: Representations of War, Migration, and Refugeehood War, migration, and refugeehood are inextricably linked and the complex nature of all three phenomena offers profound opportunities for representation and misrepresentation. This volume brings togeth … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.41 Samuel L. Leiter: A Kabuki Reader Unique in any Western language, this is an invaluable resource for the study of one of the world“s great theatrical forms. It includes essays by established experts on Kabuki as well as younger scho … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.60 Brian (Oregon State University, USA) Elliott: Benjamin for Architects Walter Benjamin has become a decisive reference point for a whole range of critical disciplines, as he constructed a unique and provocative synthesis of aesthetics, politics and philosophy. Examining … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.66 Michael Hutter: The Rise of the Joyful Economy This book argues for the increasing importance of the arts as a major resource in fuelling growth through the experiential dimension of today’s economy. As we move from the knowledge economy to a new … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 John and Barbara Gerlach: Digital Nature Photography Identifying a beautiful image in nature is easy, but capturing it is often challenging. To truly seize the essence of a photograph shot out of the studio and in the world requires an artistic eye and … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.67 Nick (Hull University, UK) Zangwill: Music and Aesthetic Reality In this volume, Zangwill develops a view of the nature of music and our experience of music that foregrounds the aesthetic properties of music. He focuses on metaphysical issues about aesthetic prope … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.86 Jessica Holland & Iain Jackson: The Architecture of Edwin Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew were pioneers of Modern Architecture in Britain and its former colonies from the late 1920s through to the early 1970s. As a barometer of twentieth century architecture, the … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×