Allgemeines, Lexika SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftPädagogikAllgemeines, LexikaBildungswesenKindergarten- und VorschulpädagogikSchulpädagogik, Didaktik, MethodikGrundschuleSekundarstufe I, IIErwachsenenbildungSozialpädagogik, Soziale ArbeitSonderpädagogik21.536 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Kevin Lister: Teach Like You Imagined It Kevin Lister's Teach Like You Imagined It: Finding the right balance shares a wealth of tools, ideas and encouragement to help teachers manage the conflicting pressures of teaching and become th … EPUB Englisch €20.39 Peter Nelmes: Troubled Hearts, Troubled Minds Offers a detailed insight into how children's emotions affect their learning and delivers key lessons on how we can better connect with both the head and the heart during the teaching and learni … EPUB Englisch €20.39 Richard Bustin: What are we Teaching? Powerful knowledge and a capabilities curriculum Written by Richard Bustin, What are we Teaching?Powerful knowledge and a capabilities curriculum offers a fresh perspective on curriculum design, arguing that subjects are key to enabling young peopl … EPUB Englisch €20.39 Terry Mahony: Making Your words Work The first book to focus on the application of language models for classroom management, Making Your Words Work offers a large repertoire of linguistic approaches to improve communication between teac … EPUB Englisch €17.99 Haili Hughes: Mentoring in Schools Forewords by Professor Rachel Lofthouse and Reuben Moore. With low early career teacher retention rates and the introduction of the Department for Education's new Early Career Framework, the rol … EPUB Englisch €22.79 James Handscombe: A School Built on Ethos In A School Built on Ethos: Ideas, assemblies and hard-won wisdom, James Handscombe explores how schooling is more than gaining qualifications, how learning is more than exams, and how academic succe … EPUB Englisch €17.99 Caroline Bentley Davies: Sticky Teaching and Learning During her work as a teacher trainer and revision expert, Caroline Bentley-Davies noticed that educators are clamouring for guidance on how to help their students remember the content covered in thei … EPUB Englisch €22.79 Chris Dyson: Parklands If anything can bind together nearly 400 pupils and 100 school staff in challenging circumstances, it's love. And love is in plentiful supply at Parklands.The pupils at Parklands Primary School, … EPUB Englisch €20.39 Ginny Bootman: Independent Thinking on Being a SENDCO What is a SENDCO? A voice. An advocate. A messenger (don't shoot!). A calm in the storm. A connection. A friend. A forgiveness seeker, not a permission requester. A shot in the dark. A shot at l … EPUB Englisch €14.39 Jérémy HERNANDEZ: How to achieve your goals and succeed in life ‚How to Achieve Your Goals and Succeed in Life‘ is an essential book for anyone looking to improve their life. By reading this book, you will discover how your mindset can have a huge impact on your … EPUB Englisch €10.00 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×