Geschichte SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftAllgemeinPhilosophie / ReligionPsychologieReligion / TheologieGeschichteSprachenPädagogikKunst / ArchitekturMusikAllgemeines, LexikaVor- und FrühgeschichteAltertumMittelalterNeuzeit bis 191820. Jahrhundert (bis 1945)Zeitgeschichte (ab 1945)Regionalgeschichte, LändergeschichteKulturgeschichte229.716 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Catherine (Manchester Metropolitan University) Danks: Politics Russia Politics Russia provides the most comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date introduction to all aspects of the political development of Russia in the post-communist era. Writing with the undergraduate … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.86 Sylvia Kedourie: Turkey This volume aims to shed light on Turkish political issues. The discussions range over national and international politics, democracy and freedom of the press, voting patterns, official control of in … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.61 Dan Todman: The Great War The First World War, with its mud and the slaughter of the trenches, is often taken as the ultimate example of the futility of war. Generals, safe in their headquarters behind the lines, sent million … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.30 Naomi Janowitz: Magic in the Roman World Using in-depth examples of “magical“ practice such as exorcisms, love rites, alchemy and the transformation of humans into divine beings, this lively volume demonstrates that the word “magic“ was … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.89 Kwame Anthony Appiah: Lines of Descent W. E. B. Du Bois never felt so at home as when he was a student in Berlin. Germany was the first place white people had treated him as an equal. But anti-Semitism was prevalent, and Du Bois‘ challeng … EPUB Adobe DRM €111.29 Siumi Maria Tam & Danning (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Wang: Gender and Family in East Asia The on-going reconfiguration of geo-political and economic forces across the globe has created a new institutional and moral environment for East Asian family life and gender dynamics. Indeed, modern … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.33 Mark Jurdjevic: Great and Wretched City Dispelling the myth that Florentine politics offered only negative lessons, Mark Jurdjevic shows that significant aspects of Machiavelli’s political thought were inspired by his native city. Machiave … EPUB Adobe DRM €166.81 Ronald W. Zweig: German Reparations and the Jewish World German Reparations and the Jewish World‘ has become a standard reference work since it was first published. Based extensively on archival sources, the author examines the difficult debate within the … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.19 Christopher F. Jones: Routes of Power The fossil fuel revolution is usually a tale of advances in energy production. Christopher Jones tells a tale of advances in energy access–canals, pipelines, wires delivering cheap, abundant power t … EPUB Adobe DRM €83.22 Christine Daniels & Michael V. Kennedy: Over the Threshold Over the Threshold is the first in-depth work to explore the topic of intimate violence in the American colonies and the early Republic. The essays examine domestic violence in both urban and frontie … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.17 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×