Vor- und Frühgeschichte – Archäologie der Vor-und Frühgeschichte, Germanen, Hallstattzeit, Kelten SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftGeschichteAllgemeines, LexikaVor- und FrühgeschichteAltertumMittelalterNeuzeit bis 191820. Jahrhundert (bis 1945)Zeitgeschichte (ab 1945)Regionalgeschichte, LändergeschichteKulturgeschichte7.859 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Tara Brabazon: From Revolution to Revelation From Revolution to Revelation offers a new paradigm for Cultural Studies. Tara Brabazon explores our understanding of our own past and the collective past we share with others through popular culture … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.70 Paul Burtenshaw: Archaeology and Economic Development ‚Nowhere in archaeology is the gap between theory and practice more evident than in its ambivalent engagement with economic development. This groundbreaking volume assembles practicing archaeologists … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.44 Roberta Gilchrist & Andrew Reynolds: Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007: No. 30 This volume celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Society for Medieval Archaeology (established in 1957), presenting reflections on the history, development and future prospects of the discipline. T … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Susan Lawrence: Archaeologies of the British Beginning with the early English colonisation of Ireland and Virginia, the international range of contributors in Archaeology of the British examine the interplay of objects and identity in Scotland … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.61 Robert J. Wallis: Shamans/Neo-Shamans In popular culture, such diverse characters as occultist Aleister Crowley, Doors musician Jim Morrison, and performance artist Joseph Beuys have been called shamans. In anthropology, on the other han … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Petr Charvat: Mesopotamia Before History Mesopotamia was one of the earliest regions to produce writing, literature and the fine arts, as well as being one of the first areas to construct states. This comprehensive and detailed survey of th … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.31 Kris Morrissey & Elizabeth Wood: Social Relevance Circa 2012 This is Volume 6, Number 2, Fall 2011 of edition of Museums and Special Issues reflective discourse journal which strives to make the world a better place through education and research. The publicat … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.42 Donald Henson: Doing Archaeology Covering archaeology from a range of angles, incorporating history, major themes, theories and methods, Doing Archaeology provides a firm grounding for anyone interested in learning more about the di … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.78 Caroline Jackson & Daniel Keller: Neighbours and Successors of Rome Presented through 20 case studies covering Europe and the Near East, Neighbours and Successors of Rome investigates development in the production of glass and the mechanisms of the wider glass econom … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.89 Kimball M Banks & Jon S Czaplicki: Dam Projects and the Growth of American Archaeology The Smithsonian Institution’s River Basin Surveys and the Interagency Archeological Salvage Program were the most ambitious archaeological projects ever undertaken in the United States. Administered … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×