Sonstiges SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftMusikAllgemeines, LexikaMusikgeschichteMusiktheorie, MusiklehreInstrumentenunterrichtInstrumentenkundeMonografienMusikalienSonstiges1.494 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie W. S. B. Mathews: The Masters and Their Music In ‚The Masters and Their Music, ‚ W. S. B. Mathews delves into the intricate relationship between acclaimed composers and their transformative contributions to the world of music. This meticulously … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Ebenezer Prout: Mozart In ‚Mozart, ‚ Ebenezer Prout delves into the multifaceted genius of one of classical music’s most celebrated composers, presenting an insightful analysis that melds biographical sketches with musical … EPUB Englisch €1.99 W. S. B. Mathews: The Masters and Their Music In ‚The Masters and Their Music, ‚ W. S. B. Mathews presents a comprehensive exploration of the lives and contributions of prominent composers, delving into the interplay between their personal exper … EPUB Englisch €1.99 W. H. Thomas: Some Current Folk-Songs of the Negro In ‚Some Current Folk-Songs of the Negro, ‚ W. H. Thomas presents a rich tapestry of African American folk traditions, capturing the essence of the cultural and historical experiences of the Negro co … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Rosa Newmarch: The Russian Opera In ‚The Russian Opera, ‚ Rosa Newmarch provides an insightful exploration of Russian operatic traditions, tracing their evolution from the early 18th century to the 20th century. Employing a scholarl … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Mary Schell Hoke Bacon: Operas Every Child Should Know In ‚Operas Every Child Should Know, ‚ Mary Schell Hoke Bacon offers a captivating and accessible introduction to opera for younger audiences. This meticulously curated collection presents essential o … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Lawrence Gilman: Stories of Symphonic Music In ‚Stories of Symphonic Music, ‚ Lawrence Gilman intricately weaves narratives that illuminate the rich tapestry of orchestral compositions, transforming musical scores into vivid tales. Gilman’s li … EPUB Englisch €1.99 J. S. Shedlock: The Pianoforte Sonata In ‚The Pianoforte Sonata, ‚ J. S. Shedlock delves into the intricate world of the piano sonata, offering a comprehensive analysis of its evolution, structure, and aesthetic significance within the c … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Lawrence Gilman: Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and Inquiries In ‚Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and Inquiries, ‚ Lawrence Gilman meticulously explores the evolution of opera in the modern era, integrating rigorous analysis with personal reflections on nota … EPUB Englisch €2.49 Emma Albani: Forty Years of Song In ‚Forty Years of Song, ‚ Emma Albani crafts an evocative memoir that chronicles her illustrious career as one of the most celebrated operatic sopranos of the late 19th century. Through a rich tapes … EPUB Englisch €1.99 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×