Geometrie SupportCatalogNaturwissenschaftMathematikAllgemeines, LexikaGrundlagenArithmetik, AlgebraGeometrieAnalysisWahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, StatistikSonstiges956 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie John Milnor: Lectures on the h-Cobordism Theorem Important lectures on differential topology by acclaimed mathematician John Milnor These are notes from lectures that John Milnor delivered as a seminar on differential topology in 1963 at Princeton … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €36.99 Rao G. Shanker & B. Ravindra Reddy: Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering About the Book: Numerical Methods is the go-to textbook for B.Sc and B.Tech students in search of a comprehensive guide to numerical analysis. This self-contained classroom text offers an in-depth ex … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €64.99 Raúl Rojas: The Language of Mathematics A marvelous compendium of mathematical symbols and their fascinating histories Galileo famously wrote that the book of nature is written in mathematical language. The Language of Mathematics is a wid … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €29.99 Karen Hunger Parshall: The New Era in American Mathematics, 1920–1950 A meticulously researched history on the development of American mathematics in the three decades following World War I As the Roaring Twenties lurched into the Great Depression, to be followed by th … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €57.99 Clifford A. Pickover: The Math Book Math’s infinite mysteries unfold in this updated edition of the award-winning The Math Book. Beginning millions of years ago with ancient “ant odometers, ” and moving through time to our modern … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €16.99 Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze: Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germany The emigration of mathematicians from Europe during the Nazi era signaled an irrevocable and important historical shift for the international mathematics world. Mathematicians Fleeing from Nazi Germa … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €89.99 Wolfgang Held: The Quality of Numbers 1-31 One sun, two parents, three meals a day, four seasons, five fingers … every child soon discovers that lots of things in life have an inherent number attached to them. Just as five individual fingers … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €6.99 George G. Szpiro: Perplexing Paradoxes Why does it always seem like the elevator is going down when you need to go up? Is it really true that 0.99999 . . . with an infinite number of 9s after the decimal point, is equal to 1? What do tea … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €35.99 Stéphane Douady & Jacques Dumais: Do Plants Know Math? A breathtakingly illustrated look at botanical spirals and the scientists who puzzled over them Charles Darwin was driven to distraction by plant spirals, growing so exasperated that he once begged a … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €29.99 Eli Maor & Eugen Jost: Beautiful Geometry An exquisite visual celebration of the 2, 500-year history of geometry If you’ve ever thought that mathematics and art don’t mix, this stunning visual history of geometry will change your mind. As mu … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €30.99 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×